Master Workshop on Securities and Corporate Laws

The scenario of corporate legal sector in India has become highly specialized. In particular the regulation of capital markets, securities offerings, mergers and acquisitions (M&A), takeovers and schemes of arrangement, foreign exchange regulations has become increasingly detailed and intricate. As lawyers we need to have an understanding not only of the black letter law relevant to corporate transactions, but also of the policies and theories underlying that law. Ultimately, to be successful in capital markets, M&A and securities transactions, the legal advisers need a thorough understanding of tactics and strategy and how they fit within the law, policies and procedures.

Towards this purpose we have designed the training workshop on securities and investment laws which will not only provide an in-depth understanding and knowledge of such laws, but also provide a competitive edge to the students enrolling for it. This work shop is intended to provide students wishing to pursue a career in corporate legal sector with relevant specialist knowledge.

Date of Commencement of Master Workshop

August 1,2023

For further details click here